Friday, September 4, 2009

An Introduction to CFD

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a computational technology that enables us to field of the dynamics for things that flow. Using CFD, we can build a computational model that represents a system or device that we want to study. For years, CFD analysis has been reserved for specialists. With today’s drive to get higher performing products to market faster, this restriction is no longer acceptable and lot of new software exists that puts CFD into the designers’ familiar CAD environment and automates the CFD modeling process. With this the designers get too quickly and easily simulate their designs, perform design variation and even optimize their product designs. In the analysis we apply the fluid flow physics and chemistry to the virtual prototype, and the software will output a prediction of the fluid dynamics and related physical phenomena. Using this we can build a virtual prototype of the system or device that we wish to analyze and then apply real-world physics and chemistry to the model, and the software will provide you with images and data, which predict the performance of that design. Some of the examples are simulation for fast blade design, Navier Stokes simulation for loss analysis and profile improvement for all turbine components, Navier-Stokes stage simulation for performance prediction of complete machines, including the interaction of rotating and stationary components, transonic airfoil and rotro-airframe interaction etc.

1 comment:

  1. hey sir this is vipulam frm mech final yr niec.
    the information provided above is very helpful n wld look forward to ur bolgs in future.
